Remember the Maine

As we move through the waning days of winter (or at least we hope they are) one more deep, dark cocktail from the classic canon seems appropriate. This one has a fuzzy history involving a 1933 uprising in Cuba, though its name refers to the sinking of the American battleship Maine in Havana harbor in 1898, which touched of the Spanish-American War that same year. 
What really matters here is flavor. And we’ve got that – in buckets! A Remember the Main is really a mashup of a Sazerac and a Manhattan. Rye and anise dominate, but there are other flavors coming at you from all directions – in a most delightful way. 
Rich, spicy, potent, and delicious.  My kind of winter cocktail!
 Mix up one of these delights and you'll think spring is just around the corner!

Remember the Maine

  • 2 oz rye whiskey

  • ¾ oz sweet vermouth

  • 2 teaspoons cherry heering liqueur

  • ½  teaspoon Pernod (any anise-flavored liqueur will do)

Because there are no cloudy ingredients here, I prefer to stir rather than shake. Get it good and cold and serve it straight up. And a brandied cherry wouldn’t hurt.