Ward Eight

You know I love the classics, and here’s another one. Going waaaay back to 1898 or thereabouts, it was created to celebrate of the victory of Martin M. Lomasney, a political boss in Boston’s Eighth Ward. Like most of these cocktail origin stories, this may or may not be totally true, but it really doesn’t matter.

What does matter is the flavor and this one’s got flavor – in spades!

It’s a variation on the classic Whiskey Sour, but it’s richer because it’s based on rye, it includes orange juice as well as lemon, and it uses grenadine rather than simple syrup as a sweetener.

Definitely potent, but not as heavy as some drinks based on whiskey. And still refreshing as we move into fall, leaving the light sparklers behind until next spring.

Knock back a couple of these and you may find yourself writing-in Martin M. Lomasney the next time you go to the polls.

Ward Eight

  • 2 ounces rye whiskey

  • .5 ounce lemon juice

  • .5 ounce orange juice – Go ahead, get an orange and squeeze it. You’ll be so glad you did!

  • 2 teaspoons grenadine – real grenadine (available in some form from your favorite liquor merchant) not that dreadful Rose’s you might see at the grocery store.

Shake it all up with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Brandied cherries make a nice garnish.